Thursday, September 9, 2010

Another Lesson :D

Why hello there..... blog.... we meet again.

Your blank pages that once filled me with wonder and excitement now terrify me and only bring to light the fact that I can't write.


Foiled again.

I might have to rename you. In order to achieve mediocrity one has to actually WRITE. Silly "words" and your "letters" who do you think you are anyway? You come into my conversations daily. DAILY! No one invited you! Sometimes I think it'd be better if all you "words" would just be quiet!

I can't even think sometimes.

Oh blog, with all the pressure you put me under to be entertaining to my mother and anyone who clicks on this link after I post it a million times (or read it when/if I RE-post it on Facebook)

At least I know the problem is YOU and not me. Clearly.

I mean I'm writing what are you doing?

Sitting there in your smugness all blank page-y.

I think you need to seriously re-consider your role in this relationship Blog. I can't be doing all of the work!

Maybe you should take some time and think about your actions.

I'm going back to Youtube.

Lesson Over.